Customer Testimonials

I have been to Gary on more than one occasion, I was still a child the first time I saw Gary when I had an in-toe gait (pigeon foot), Gary fitted me with corrective shoes which solved this problem.

More recently, I was having trouble with pronation - Gary inspected my running shoes which he found had collapsed as a result, Gary assisted me with purchasing the correct running shoes as well as making some orthotic insoles to solve this problem.

Gary is an honest professional who has assisted me to gently steer my gait into it's normal path.

I recommend that you see Gary for assistance with Orthotics.

Gareth Poley

Thanks for the knee brace today gary , I was on a roof working for the rest of the day with it on and then took the kids to the park and ran around with them ,  normally I would be in pain tonight and sore to walk on it , I'v got no pain at all ,  so thanks again 


Fantastic, I'm totally blown away by the Orthotics, and your service.


After my injury I have foot pain almost all the time, which affected my work. Since getting my orthotics from you the pain has almost completely gone. In the evening I don’t want to take off my shoes because the orthotics are so comfortable.


I have been suffering from heel pain for many months, have had inserts from 2 different practices. The pain only got worse. I was very apprehensive when referred to Gary for new orthotics, because of my bad experiences in the past. I am very happy to say that the pain has disappeared and my feet are very happy now. The orthotics were far less than the other before.


So happy! The foot orthotics have changed my life. I have no discomfort in my feet at all!


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Frequently asked questions

What is Auckland Orthotics address?

6 College Road,
St Johns, Auckland, 1072

Can I book an appointment online?

How do I request a referral pack?

If you are a healthcare professional, please contact us using the enquiry form alongside to request a referral pack.

Auckland Orthotics accepts referrals from a range of different healthcare providers.